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When Sheltam, a leading provider of technically-advanced, comprehensive rail services and solutions, fused with a new African rail powerhouse, Traxtion was born.
From name development to launch, Xfacta was creatively responsible for the roll out of brand Traxtion. The brandmark reflects forward motion, advancement, and the exciting possibilities of rail services in Africa. The logo itself is inspired by the nose of a speeding locomotive, while the bespoke logotype represents the locomotive and carriages. An intriguing grey scale colour palette propels "industrial" into a future-focused visual space.
We moved the brand into a new and vibrant territory, introducing a bright, attention-grabbing red that seems to pulse with life. The intense red also represents the passion of the Traxtion team for their brand. A unique iconographic library was designed, along with a visually-rich website and cinematic. Stationery, brochures, uniforms, signage and other collateral complete the picture. The exciting opportunity of branding the locomotives brings to life the message that Traxtion means business and is committed to advancing Africa.
From name development to launch, Xfacta was creatively responsible for the roll out of brand Traxtion. The brandmark reflects forward motion, advancement, and the exciting possibilities of rail services in Africa. The logo itself is inspired by the nose of a speeding locomotive, while the bespoke logotype represents the locomotive and carriages. An intriguing grey scale colour palette propels "industrial" into a future-focused visual space.
We moved the brand into a new and vibrant territory, introducing a bright, attention-grabbing red that seems to pulse with life. The intense red also represents the passion of the Traxtion team for their brand. A unique iconographic library was designed, along with a visually-rich website and cinematic. Stationery, brochures, uniforms, signage and other collateral complete the picture. The exciting opportunity of branding the locomotives brings to life the message that Traxtion means business and is committed to advancing Africa.